Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology
Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives
Muhammad Adnan 1 * , Kainat Anwar 1
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1 Department of Mass Communication, National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Pakistan
* Corresponding Author
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Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2020 - Volume 2 Issue 1, pp. 45-51

Article Type: Research Article

Published Online: 21 Jun 2020

Views: 45904 | Downloads: 27646

This research study examines the attitudes of Pakistani higher education students towards compulsory digital and distance learning university courses amid Coronavirus (COVID-19). Undergraduate and postgraduate were surveyed to find their perspectives about online education in Pakistan. The findings of the study highlighted that online learning cannot produce desired results in underdeveloped countries like Pakistan, where a vast majority of students are unable to access the internet due to technical as well as monetary issues. The lack of face-to-face interaction with the instructor, response time and absence of traditional classroom socialization were among some other issues highlighted by higher education students.
In-text citation: (Adnan & Anwar, 2020)
Reference: Adnan, M., & Anwar, K. (2020). Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2(1), 45-51.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Adnan M, Anwar K. Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2020;2(1), 45-51.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Adnan M, Anwar K. Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2020;2(1):45-51.
In-text citation: (Adnan and Anwar, 2020)
Reference: Adnan, Muhammad, and Kainat Anwar. "Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2020 2 no. 1 (2020): 45-51.
In-text citation: (Adnan and Anwar, 2020)
Reference: Adnan, M., and Anwar, K. (2020). Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2(1), pp. 45-51.
In-text citation: (Adnan and Anwar, 2020)
Reference: Adnan, Muhammad et al. "Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students' perspectives". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 45-51.
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