Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology
Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic
Swen Joshryll Acebes 1, Jaizele Melitante 1, Nikki Tuble 1, Cathy Mae Dabi Toquero 1 *
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1 College of Education, Mindanao State University, Philippines
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Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2022 - Volume 4 Issue 2, pp. 144-167

Article Type: Research Article

Published Online: 31 Dec 2022

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The immediate sweep of COVID-19 has jolted the world's education system and propelled educators to switch to an online-based pedagogy instantly. This study examined the pre-service teachers' hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions regarding the forced digital revolution of course learning. It encompasses strategies for students to cope with the reconceptualization and proactively manage knowledge acquisition in the face of a disease outbreak. The researchers employed a non-probability sampling technique in selecting the unit of analysis. For this qualitative investigation, the study employed summative content analysis to examine how words or passages of pre-service teachers operate within the context of their experience. Fifty learning modules from the first year of pre-service teachers were analyzed through document reviews. Based on the findings, this study enables the educational sector to visualize the configurations and problems that the students encountered during the pandemic. The pre-service teachers could hope to gain in-depth knowledge, have fun and engaging activities, and apply their learning to the real-world setting. Personal growth, becoming an effective teacher, and building connections among peers are what they have desired while embarking on their academic endeavors. As they faced multiple impediments, they became resourceful and found alternatives, asked for assistance from their peers, and reached out to their professors to gain in-depth knowledge about their pedagogy. The COVID-19 virus has substantially affected pre-service teachers' learning; however, empowering one another through online peer collaboration is a prime source of consolation for students who suffer during these rough times. The university should function as a center for students' holistic development and create a conducive, flexible learning environment that will allow students to flourish despite digital experiments. As a result, solutions conspired to alter tribulations into resolutions, and scholars' strategies aid them in confounding the detriments of distance education. 
In-text citation: (Acebes et al., 2022)
Reference: Acebes, S. J., Melitante, J., Tuble, N., & Toquero, C. M. D. (2022). Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 4(2), 144-167.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Acebes SJ, Melitante J, Tuble N, Toquero CMD. Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2022;4(2), 144-167.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Acebes SJ, Melitante J, Tuble N, Toquero CMD. Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2022;4(2):144-67.
In-text citation: (Acebes et al., 2022)
Reference: Acebes, Swen Joshryll, Jaizele Melitante, Nikki Tuble, and Cathy Mae Dabi Toquero. "Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2022 4 no. 2 (2022): 144-167.
In-text citation: (Acebes et al., 2022)
Reference: Acebes, S. J., Melitante, J., Tuble, N., and Toquero, C. M. D. (2022). Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 4(2), pp. 144-167.
In-text citation: (Acebes et al., 2022)
Reference: Acebes, Swen Joshryll et al. "Hopes, goals, hindrances, and solutions of students on forced digitalization of course learning amid pandemic". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 4, no. 2, 2022, pp. 144-167.
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