Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2022 - Volume 4 Issue 2, pp. 131-143
Article Type: Research Article
Published Online: 31 Dec 2022
Views: 1461 | Downloads: 1022
The aim of the study was to examine early childhood education (ECE) interns’ perceptions toward the roles of educational counselors and psychologists in interactions with parents. Special attention was paid to investigating gender aspect. The participants included 24 female ECE interns who studied in a college in Israel, and who described events with parents in writing. The research is qualitative and includes descriptive statistics. Analysis of the findings indicated that ECE interns perceived educational counselors and psychologists in their traditional function as experts in the field of mental health, and to a lesser degree in systemic and social aspects. Contrary to the proactive approach promoted by the Ministry of Education, they afforded solutions in response to crises (secondary prevention level), and not at the primary prevention level. In terms of gender, most of the interns’ (who were all women) communication was with mothers. It is crucial that kindergarten and school teachers use counselors and psychologists for leading proactive preventive programs. It is also important that educational teams become familiar with the role of counselors as agents of social change. Finally, they should strengthen the educational collaboration with fathers.
In-text citation: (Levy & Peleg, 2022)
Reference: Levy, I., & Peleg, A. (2022). Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions.
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 4(2), 131-143.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Levy I, Peleg A. Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions.
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2022;4(2), 131-143.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Levy I, Peleg A. Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2022;4(2):131-43.
In-text citation: (Levy and Peleg, 2022)
Reference: Levy, Iris, and Alona Peleg. "Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions".
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2022 4 no. 2 (2022): 131-143.
In-text citation: (Levy and Peleg, 2022)
Reference: Levy, I., and Peleg, A. (2022). Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions.
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 4(2), pp. 131-143.
In-text citation: (Levy and Peleg, 2022)
Reference: Levy, Iris et al. "Educational counselors’ and psychologists’ roles in interactions with parents in a diverse, polarized and changing society: Early childhood education interns' perceptions".
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 4, no. 2, 2022, pp. 131-143.
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