Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology
The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study
Louise Balôck 1 *
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1 Advanced School of Mass Communication, Cameroon
* Corresponding Author
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Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2019 - Volume 1 Issue 2, pp. 50-63

Article Type: Review

Published Online: 17 Dec 2019

Views: 1956 | Downloads: 1385

Reading is the base of academic performances. This study addresses the place of school libraries first and public libraries secondly in the acquisition and stabilization of reading practices of adolescents between 12-16 in Yaoundé. This age group is constituted by teenagers in secondary high schools. Interviews have been conducted with school and public librarians. Visits were made to libraries, as well as exchanges with the relevant service in charge of school libraries in the Ministry of Secondary Education. In addition, 164 questionnaires with open and closed questions have been filled out by the teenagers through a random sample, sometimes with the school staff. Our findings indicate that adolescents generally enjoy discovering various genres of literature, which are sufficiently diversified, with regard to the national production. But most of the students do not attend schools or public libraries. To fill this gap, offer should be improved, particularly at the level of the quality of the youth literature which attracts them. This is a necessary step in order  to build effective libraries for students. The electronic medium is an excellent tool to attract those users, who are also in quest for new realities which are not part of their local environment. The study explores also and suggests the means to bring closer school librarians, teachers, the administrative staff and publishers. The objective is to help develop the impact and visibility of the library in the school. Public libraries can also find here a useful tool for the offer that meets the expectations of the adolescents. The article also raises up other specific actions, which can be taken to bring teenagers closer to the school libraries, and public libraries, in terms of animation.
In-text citation: (Balôck, 2019)
Reference: Balôck, L. (2019). The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 1(2), 50-63.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Balôck L. The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2019;1(2), 50-63.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Balôck L. The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2019;1(2):50-63.
In-text citation: (Balôck, 2019)
Reference: Balôck, Louise. "The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2019 1 no. 2 (2019): 50-63.
In-text citation: (Balôck, 2019)
Reference: Balôck, L. (2019). The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 1(2), pp. 50-63.
In-text citation: (Balôck, 2019)
Reference: Balôck, Louise "The place of libraries in the acquisition of reading practices of adolescents in Cameroon: A case study". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 1, no. 2, 2019, pp. 50-63.
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