Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology
Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women
Navnath Bhagchand Tupe 1 *
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1 Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
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Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2019 - Volume 1 Issue 2, pp. 80-87

Article Type: Review

Published Online: 17 Dec 2019

Views: 1403 | Downloads: 1200

This paper emphasizes on the application of metacognition in learning for enhancement of entrepreneurial skills among women. The author has developed a Problem-based Learning Scenario hinged on metacognition of learning and launched them in the form of Blended Learning Intervention (BLI) in Huzurpaga College of Women in Pune City for 52 days.  It was found that it has positive effect on learning of Entrepreneurial Skills among women. There were three modules of the Blended Learning Intervention (BLI). Present chapter describes Market evaluating out of the three modules proposed in the Intervention.
In-text citation: (Tupe, 2019)
Reference: Tupe, N. B. (2019). Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 1(2), 80-87.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Tupe NB. Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2019;1(2), 80-87.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Tupe NB. Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2019;1(2):80-7.
In-text citation: (Tupe, 2019)
Reference: Tupe, Navnath Bhagchand. "Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2019 1 no. 2 (2019): 80-87.
In-text citation: (Tupe, 2019)
Reference: Tupe, N. B. (2019). Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 1(2), pp. 80-87.
In-text citation: (Tupe, 2019)
Reference: Tupe, Navnath Bhagchand "Problem based learning scenario for becoming financially independent women". Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 1, no. 2, 2019, pp. 80-87.
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