Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2023 - Volume 5 Issue 3, pp. 47-60
Article Type: Research Article
Published Online: 20 Oct 2023
Views: 719 | Downloads: 437
This study aimed to determine whether the gender-centered approach persists in the changing and evolving cultural structure of the 21st century and whether women's entry into the labor force, which is accepted as a power-enhancing resource in resource-based approaches, makes a difference in the division of household labor. In addition, the effects of personality traits constituting the personal dynamics of married couples and perceptions of power on the division of household labor were examined using a dyadic method. The sample consisted of 610 individuals (305 heterosexual married couples). Adjective Based Personality Scale (ABPT) developed based on the five-factor model, the Division of Household Labor Scale, and the Relationship Power Scale were used to collect data. Results showed that women took on more roles in the division of household labor. Women in paid employment reported performing less home labor than those who are not employed, but this is still lower than men. The results regarding the effects of personality traits and power showed that agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and power balance between spouses had effects on the division of household labor. The findings were discussed along with the recommendations for the professionals and future studies.
In-text citation: (Özdemir, 2023)
Reference: Özdemir, P. (2023). Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor.
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 5(3), 47-60.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Özdemir P. Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor.
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2023;5(3), 47-60.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Özdemir P. Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. 2023;5(3):47-60.
In-text citation: (Özdemir, 2023)
Reference: Özdemir, Pınar. "Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor".
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology 2023 5 no. 3 (2023): 47-60.
In-text citation: (Özdemir, 2023)
Reference: Özdemir, P. (2023). Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor.
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 5(3), pp. 47-60.
In-text citation: (Özdemir, 2023)
Reference: Özdemir, Pınar "Changing time unchanging balance: Examining the effects of gender, personal dynamics, and actor-partner effect on Turkish couples’ division of household labor".
Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, vol. 5, no. 3, 2023, pp. 47-60.
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